
This update is late (I apologize) & (relatively) gigantic: poems from Dan Beachy-Quick, Jon Curley, Norman Finkelstein, Graham Foust, Michael Heller, Janet Holmes, Justin Marks, Joseph Massey, Gina Myers & Dustin Williamson, Jess Mynes, John Phillips, Michael Prasil, Christopher Rizzo, Shannon Tharp, & Aaron Tieger. In prose we’ve got Joseph Bradshaw’s review of Joseph Massey’s Property Line, Robert Arachambeau & Sarah Conner, & Jeremy Biles on William Blake. Images are from Cary Conover & Drew Kunz, & Stacy Szymaszek & Drew Kunz provide the Picks.

So, really, just dive right in.

Also, as you may or may not know, Joel Bettridge’s THAT ABRUPT HERE is now available for purchase. Buy one, please.

Furthermore, this website is now searchable via the link up in the toolbar. If you have any improvement-suggestions, etc., drop me a line via the contact page.

Shouting on & on: NJNY; PBNY; KBTSNY; The Wiselephants; Syl; A./A.; Belmont!; S./z.; (version)!; Magpies; Stillwaters (hosts & team); JBOR; JDUK; Franklins; Local Talent; CBQC; & you.