
This update is an unusal one to say the least. Delays piled upon delays have brought me to a situation in which I did not expect to find myself, trying to dig out of a nine-month gap since the last update. The work collected here is thus roughly half of what’s on deck — or perhaps less than half — but I determined it would be better to post some of it now rather than present a still-delayed, essentially-unwieldly update another month from now.

So first & foremost, I apologize to the contributors whose work has yet to appear. My hope is that the current situation does not reflect poorly on my feeling for your work but instead on my inability to manage this site through much of this calendar year. If you are in the yet-to-appear group & wish to be removed from its roster, please let me know.

That said, this update features poems by Robert P. Baird, Dot Devota, Roberto Harrison, Michael Heller, Eric Hoffman, Andrew Lundwall, Alexandra Mattraw, Peter O’Leary, Mark Scroggins, Chuck Stebelton, Shannon Tharp, John Tipton, & Tyrone Williams; prose comes from Joseph Bradshaw, Norman Finkelstein, & Peter O’Leary. Picks, such as they are, are mine.

Shouting: Team SBS; Team Key; Princes; PBNY; ems; (version); B.T.; E./D./T./F.; Magpies; EL/JP!; z./S./J.; Syl; NJNY; MBJ&CNY; Stillwater; Franklin; Bells; JBOR; Cody; local talent; & you.

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