Hotel Ellipsis

This is how I do it. First, I tell myself
not to be frightened — it will be OK.
Then I read the books, the ones that are

already written. It may be a relapse
but that doesn’t matter either. Gestures
are gestural, but they are also symptomatic,

procedural. Proceed three blocks in any
direction and then turn left. Black spots
lead to maps, which lead to a childish

sensibility. Hold on to that, but not
too tightly. Her breasts rise and fall
with the waves regardless. She is wise

and so [am I] [are you], constituting
a lovely vacation. Then it gets sinister.
The violence is organized, rationalized.

Some of my friends are put on a list
representing an alternative. Two lists,
three alternatives. Do you love me?

Yes, but I wish you would stop staring at her.


This is not the third way.
Consider it a couplet.