From hyper-glossia

observant of landscape and entitled

to alter it

educated guess what’s buried in the trenches

I’ll mandate its rise

natural as everything I

                                                                  associate myself with

slow momentum

                                                                 desert weather deck

and bulk merchandise

adapt my speech to the ration of words

per day                                                                   wardrobe of

consistent head covering

                                                                 age-old loose cloak

swirl of flax petals                                               

                                                                circulatory strategy






parts of me left vigilant aortic

           and shellacked

someone known from anecdote vanishes                            and influence vanishes

funny composite smell

of faux animal print                        
                                                lips abbreviate

                                                a shape like that of a capital S

                                                denoting the next
                                                after R

            certificate recaptured

                                                bungle a needless T shape

this passage was always a flare
my tactical advantage

appear signature
calm in pain

I have a repore with
the medical conditions              engraved on this medallion

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