Advance    (translated by Jason Stumpf)

Eras move inside me
in a putrid weave.
Magic water, ars,
scald me, cure me:
let the ever-lasting,
wound behind.

Memory, in you, is a projector of enabling light,
precise moment.

At the peak of anguish
and fever,
a maternal breeze
comforts, is living calm:
wild tiger, it calls me,
do not stop to think
of the distance.

And you will never leave here,
under this bright time
guards itself,
fears itself,
is scattering itself over the prairies.

Already, you are fire.
You will reach the moments of your beloved,
not his eternal youth
or Mediterranean salt,
his eyes.
The ivory caress, mare magnum,
will be loss of gestures and manners

• • •


Me bullen dentro eras
de un tejido descompuesto.
Agua mágica, ars,
quémame, cúrame:
que atrás quede la herida

La memoria, en ti, es un reflector de luz activa,
momento justo.

En la cima de la angustia
y de la fiebre,
una brisa maternal
conforta, es calma viva:
tigre en libertad, dice,
no te detengas a pensar
en la distancia.

Y nunca dejarás de estar aqui,
bajo este tiempo iluminado
que se guarda,
se teme,
se está diseminando en las praderas.

Ya eres fuego.
Alcanzarás los instantes de tu amada,
no su eterna juventud,
su sal mediterránea,
sus ojos.
La caricia de marfil, mare magnum,
será la falta de gestos y ademanes.


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