New Website

I launched the new website today, and though it’s incomplete, I’m happy to have it live nonetheless. A few known bugs at the moment:

1) The image posts contain no images. This portion of the site hasn’t been resolved yet.
2) The publications page contains images but some of the product pages do not. See item 1 above for an explanation. I also need to get the add-to-cart buttons in place for most of the publications and will do so a.s.a.p.
3) The archive currently goes back to 2004. I’ll be adding the first three years incrementally and hope that 2004-2010 provides sufficient material to satisfy you for the time being.

Otherwise, I think you’ll find the site an easier and more thorough experience. You can search by contributor, date, keyword, or category, which more or less covers the whole knish. I’ve also added a sharing feature, in the event that you’d like to post links to the social networks you use. Last but not least, you can now subscribe to the site or to individual contributors. So if you don’t want to deal with whole updates but can’t bear to miss new work from your favorite contributor, you can simply click the RSS next to their name and receive notification via Google Reader or whatever service you use for your feeds.

If you have any questions, comments, or bug reports, please send them to me via the contact page.

Thanks to the spectacular men of version industries for their work on this site; contributors past, present, and future; and you.