A Real Time of It, Poems by Sally Delehant

A Real Time of It, Poems by Sally Delehant

A Real Time of It, Poems by Sally Delehant
Smyth-sewn paperback · 64pp · $15 · ISBN 9780977340170

Sally labors over her poems and lives for said labor, whether she’s making them at whatever leisure she can find or as she marches off to work for a company of which she’s not vice president. I think you’ll pick up on this and want more. Her poems are the sound of someone fooling neither you nor herself. Hunt them down and love them. — Graham Foust

+ reviewed at Read This Awesome Book
+ Sally Delehant interviews Emily Pettit at HTML Giant
+ Sally Delehant at the Poetry Society of America

4 responses to “A Real Time of It, Poems by Sally Delehant”

  1. […] Sally Delehant’s A Real Time of It, was reviewed at Read This Awesome Book. Peter O’Leary’s Luminous Epinoia was reviewed by Robert Archambeau over here and by Broc Rossell over at Colorado Review’s site. […]