Category: news

  • The Cultural Society Turns Ten

    The Cultural Society will be ten years old this September and I can say without a doubt that I never thought it would last this long. The original guiding policy has sustained the CultSoc ((As it has come to be known, pronounced, “cult-sōsh”)), since the start: I post what I like. In the course of […]

  • Update

    In which our editor manages to stick to a semi-annual schedule. This update features work from some new and some prior contributors: Michael Autrey, Sally Delehant, Joel Felix, and Joseph Massey. The picks are mine. Feel free to dive right in. In other news here’s a review of Peter O’Leary’s Luminous Epinoia and a recording […]

  • Update

    This update features poems from Topher Hemann, Dan Rosenberg, Jamie Townsend, & John Tipton. Picks come courtesy of Drew Kunz. As mentioned previously, we’ve got new books/chapbooks from Peter O’Leary, Douglas Piccinnini, & myself. You can order them directly from the CultSoc, so please have a look. Just click up top on publications. In relevant […]

  • New Publications Are Here!

    Members of our society will be no stranger to the work of the inimitable Peter O’Leary. We’re proud to publish his latest, most ambitious, farthest-reaching, and personal collection of poems to date. It’s called Luminous Epinoia and you can order it by clicking here. Also available are a poem by Douglas Piccinnini called SOFT, and […]

  • Poems, Publications, and a Record

    This update has poems from Wes Benson, Roberto Harrison, Joseph Massey, David Pavelich, and Shannon Tharp. The picks are mine. In other news, Peter O’Leary’s triumphant Luminous Epinoia should be in hand in a couple weeks and chapbooks from Douglas Piccinnini and myself should be back from the printer in a month. Additionally, so as […]

  • Images Since 2001

    I’m pleased to report that the images have been restored. Which brings, as far as I know, the new site to full completion.

  • Nine

    I almost forgot: today marks the ninth anniversary of this society. Happy birthday to all of us.

  • New Website

    I launched the new website today, and though it’s incomplete, I’m happy to have it live nonetheless. A few known bugs at the moment: 1) The image posts contain no images. This portion of the site hasn’t been resolved yet. 2) The publications page contains images but some of the product pages do not. See […]

  • 03.17.10

    It’s a pleasure to be back on an update schedule. Civilian life has kept me from giving this site the attention it deserves but it looks as though things have simmered down to a dullish, distant roar. Therefore, poems come from Robert Archambeau, Joel Bettridge, Norman Finkelstein, Roberto Harrison, Michael Heller, Steven Manuel, David James […]