Category: news

  • 10.28.09

    This update is an unusal one to say the least. Delays piled upon delays have brought me to a situation in which I did not expect to find myself, trying to dig out of a nine-month gap since the last update. The work collected here is thus roughly half of what’s on deck — or […]

  • 01.19.09

    This update features poems from Robert Archambeau, Wes Benson, Joseph Bradshaw, Jon Curley, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Heller, Matthew Henriksen, Gregory Ott, Adam Fleming Petty, John Phillips, Pam Rehm, Mark Scroggins, Chuck Stebelton, Jason Stumpf, & Shannon Tharp; prose comes courtesy of Peter O’Leary & Mathias Svalina; images are from Cary Conover (including two video pieces), […]

  • 06.27.08

    This update features poems from Robert Archambeau, Jon Curley, Norman Finkelstein, Matthew Henriksen, Eric Hoffman, Philip Jenks, Amanda Nadelberg, Peter O’Leary, Gregory Ott, Chuck Stebelton, Shannon Tharp, John Tipton, & Jamie Townsend; & prose from Michael Henson & Tyrone Williams. We’ve also got photographs from Cary Conover &Beth Cook, & other images by Derrick Buisch […]

  • 02.17.08

    This update brings poems from Robert Archambeau, Dan Beachy-Quick, Claire Becker, Joel Bettridge, Norman Finkelstein, Gina Myers, Peter O’Leary, Michael Prasil, Pam Rehm, Kate Schapira, & Chuck Stebelton; & prose from Joseph Bradshaw & Chris Zinger. We’ve also got photographs from Cary Conover & picks from Jesse Pires & myself. In other news, as some […]

  • 09.19.07

    Delights abound: poems from Jon Curley, Tom Fisher, Roberto Harrison, Joseph Massey & Jess Mynes, Amanda Nadelberg, Peter O’Leary, Gregory J. Ott, John Phillips, Christopher Rizzo, Cindy Savett, Kate Schapira, Mark Scroggins, Melissa Severin, Shannon Tharp, & Jen Tynes; prose from John Phillips, Bronwen Tate (prose-poems), & Tyrone Williams. Additionally, we’ve got a PDF chapbook […]

  • 05.14.07

    This update is late (I apologize) & (relatively) gigantic: poems from Dan Beachy-Quick, Jon Curley, Norman Finkelstein, Graham Foust, Michael Heller, Janet Holmes, Justin Marks, Joseph Massey, Gina Myers & Dustin Williamson, Jess Mynes, John Phillips, Michael Prasil, Christopher Rizzo, Shannon Tharp, & Aaron Tieger. In prose we’ve got Joseph Bradshaw’s review of Joseph Massey’s […]

  • 01.04.07

    Such an update! Poems from Jon Curley, Norman Finkelstein, Devin Johnston, Burt Kimmelman, Kate Ledger, Joseph Massey, Jason Ian Moriber, Robert Murphy, Peter O’Leary, Michael Prasil, Pam Rehm, Mark Scroggins, Jason Stumpf, Stacy Szymaszek, & Shannon Tharp. Prose this round comes from Tyrone Williams & Amanda Nadelberg reviews Jen Tynes’ The End of Rude Handles. […]

  • 09.12.06

    So here we are: 5 years old.There’s not much to say about it except that I’d like to thank all of our contributors & supporters for their contributions & support. We’ve made a good number of friends since we started this Society, published a handful of things, moved across the country 2.5 times, & felt […]

  • 06.18.06

    For all practical purposes, it’s summer here at CultSoc headquarters but the heat brings no slowing of activity. We’ve drummed up a first-rate selection of poems & prose for your pleasured perusal: Joel Bettridge, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Heller, Joseph Massey (who also provided this update’s picks), Michael Prasil, & Philip Jenks are back to welcome […]