Category: news

  • 06.16.04

    Poems by John Martone, Joseph Massey, & Pam Rehm; the continuing saga of Peter O’Leary’s European stay (including some fineness on CultSoc favorite Márton Koppány in Postcard 8); photos from Cary Conover; picks courtesy of Philly’s finest, Jesse Pires: the man said, “Please, please, please let me get what I want.” The CultSoc replied, “Here […]

  • 05.10.04

    There’s a bounty of new material here for you this update. On the prose front, we’ve got Peter O’Leary’s Budapest Postcard & excerpts from Norman Finkelstein’s notes for his monumental Track; poems this round come from Pam Rehm & Stacy Szymaszek; & Drew Kunz has contributed both picks & a watercolor. What more could you […]

  • 04.10.04

    We’ve got two more Postcards from CultSoc man-about-Europe Peter O’Leary for you: this time it’s Venice & Prague. Peter’s Budapest report is coming soon, as well as work from Norman Finkelstein, Pam Rehm, & more. Travel safely. Thanks.

  • 03.23.04

    Things’re pretty smooth here @ CultSoc HQ, & the material’s looking pretty good. In addition to more poems from Jon Curley & Dan Featherston, we’ve got some terrific photos from Cary Conover, picks from Devin Johnston, another postcard from Peter O’Leary, & finally, after a year of trying to pull it together, an interview with […]

  • 03.06.04

    We’ve posted the second of Peter O’Leary’s Vienna Postcards. It’s just like being there, kind of, but without the jet-lag. Next week we’ll have the Ken Jacobs interview, Peter’s next installment, & more. Quick/short shout to Penelope & Bruce. Thanks.

  • 02.12.04

    Finally, a real update! The dust has at last settled enough to get some new work up here for you. This round brings photographs from Cary Conover, & poems from Jon Curley, new contributor Dan Featherston, & Peter O’Leary. The Ken Jacobs & Norman Finkelstein pieces will be posted soon. We’ll be running a travelogue […]

  • 01.17.04

    Okay, then: your editor & his co-publishing wife are finally settled in their new digs. I apologize for the lapse but am pleased to report that we’ve not only a fine selection of material for the next update (Ken Jacobs, Peter O’Leary, Norman Finkelstein, & more) but a new & improved/streamlined site for you to […]

  • 08.01.03

    In addition to some work from our regular contributors, we’ve got some new blood this round: poems from Patrick Pritchett, Jonathan Witte; & photographs from Paul Biedrzycki, Cary Conover, & Stephen Maine. If I can pull it together, there’ll be a mid-month posting of an interview with avant-garde filmmaker Ken Jacobs, too. Knock wood…. In […]

  • 06.01.03

    This update brings work from Cary Conover, Jon Curley, Drew Kunz, Paul Naylor, & Stephen K. Reeder. Texts & images from newcomers & familiar contributors alike. So dig in, feast your eyes, & don’t forget to read out loud once in a while. Shouts to the usual Teams & thanks to the same.