Category: news

  • 04.01.03

    War, war, war. Right now there appears to be precious little else going on & therefore not much to say in this small space. Let it suffice to simply fill you in: we’ve got photographs from Cary Conover & Christine Cody; & poems from Peter O’Leary & Stacy Szymaszek. Note also the note from O’Leary […]

  • 02.01.03

    Here we are in a new year & I wonder if that noted tick of the clock is cause for celebration or distress. However you handle new years, I trust this update will soothe or amplify, depending on your need. We’ve got poems from Devin Johnston, & Stacy Szymaszek; & weather-centered images from CultSoc Eye-on-the-citizenry […]

  • 12.17.02

    Where does the time go? A month ago I thought I was going to have an early update for you all; but alas, my ducks scattered from their tidy row & I’m coming up a bit behind schedule. Could I be more sorry? Probably, but it would do little good. This update contains poems from […]

  • 11.04.02

    As we near a season associated with — if not defined by — gift-giving, let’s not forget the practicality & joy of Cultural Society publications. Cheap, attractive, & ready-to-use right out of the bag, they are gifts that truly keep on giving. Of more immediate interest, we have this update photographs from Cary Conover & […]

  • 10.04.02

    Apologies to anyone whose Culturally Societal activity was interrupted last month. We changed hosts & consequently found ourselves in a virtual abyss for a week or so. But we’re back. Breathe easy. This round we have for you poems by Joel Bettridge, & Jon Curley. Cary Conover returns with images of people in apparently various […]

  • 09.01.02

    What can I say? Frankly, I’m not sure I thought we’d be doing this for more than a couple of months; but as luck would have it, we are, & though there have been shifts in emphasis, time restrictions, etc., I’m pleased to say that we’ve accomplished even more than we’d anticipated. So if you’re […]

  • 07.24.02

    This update brings photos by Szu Burgess & Cary Conover, poems by Joel Bettridge, & Part Two of Michael Heller’s Aspects of Poetics. Delight! Thanks & Praises & Shouts to the First String, again & still.

  • 06.23.02

    Well, another month has passed & so arrives another update. This one contains poems by new contributor Joel Bettridge, & Jason Ian Moriber. We’ve also got part one of an extended prose piece by Michael Heller & photographs from Cary Conover. Other news is that (I know, I know) we should have Pam Rehm’s chapbook […]

  • 06.09.02

    The Cultural Society extends a hearty Mazel Tov to Esther O’Leary & her parents, Michael & Una. It looks to this editor as though last year was one for boys & this one is a year for the girls. Balance, dear readers, is the name of the game. L’Chaim.