Category: news

  • 06.06.02

    There’s going to be a bit of revamping here, mostly behind the scenes, so if you notice that our website lacks the galvanized uniformity you’ve come to recognize as our trademark, it’s just that I’m doing a little fine-tuning. Congratulations to Emma Gaddis for joining the rest of us on this planet. Pax Vobiscum. Thanks.

  • 05.23.02

    First, I need to thank the contributors to our publications for their patience & understanding. We have, at last, & through no fault of the poets, Minisides Nos. 4 (corrected), 5, & 6 (for the unaware, that’s Les Murray, John Tipton, & Paul Muldoon respectively), & Pam Rehm’s chapbook will be going to the bindery […]

  • 05.02.02

    It saddens me to have to issue a Gaffs & Blunders report, & on Kimberley’s birthday no less. Alas… Les Murray brought it to our attention that a word was omitted from the body of his poem “A Study of the Nude” (Miniside No 4). Thankfully, the error was caught before the Miniside was properly […]

  • 04.22.02

    This round brings more photographs from both Szu Burgess & Cary Conover, & poems from new contributor Graham Foust & Cultural Society kingpin Philip Jenks. Pam Rehm’s Saving Bonds chapbook & a Minisde of John Tiptons “color of snow” will be on hand in the next couple weeks. Go to the publications page for more […]

  • 03.28.02

    This update provides poems by Tom Fisher, prose by Eric Hynes, & photographs by Szu Burgess, Cary Conover, & Beth Cook. There’s also been some shaping up of the links page & a look to the future on the publications page. Dig in. Special shouts go out to Team Ripe; usual shouts go out to […]

  • 03.02.02

    As promised, we’ve got a sleuth of delights for you this update: photographs by Szu Burgess, paintings by Andrew Edwards, more poems from John Tipton (whose work will grace Miniside No 5), & a couple of poems by Tom Fisher. We’re looking good, if I may say so myself. Miniside No 4 is now available. […]

  • 02.18.02

    The Cultural Society is especially pleased to have an excerpt from Norman Finkelstein’s Track for you in this update. It’s coming out in a book from Spuyten Duyvill this month & marks the second such installment of N.F.’s long poem. We’ve also got new photographs from Christine Cody & Stephen Reeder. The March update will […]

  • 02.11.02

    The Cultural Society’s publications can now be purchased online through PayPal. There is the minor matter of setting up an account with them but it takes very little time. Check out the publications page & do a little impulse shopping. You’ll feel better, & we’ll feel better too. Thanks again.

  • 02.01.02

    This month’s update brings new poems from John Tipton, a review of Philip Jenks’ On the Cave You Live In by Jon Curley, & photography made by Beth Cook. On the publishing front, the third Miniside (Devin Johnston’s “Cat”) is back from the benevolent environs of Lunalux & available for purchase. Click here for the […]