Category: news

  • 01.14.02

    There’s some new material to be found at the images page. As anticipated, we’ve got photographs from Kevin Bradbury, Jay Cox, & Szu Burgess. We also have a special treat: Ronald Johnson’s “Hurrah for Euphony,” an essay he wrote that constitutes a sort of ars poetica for the younger generation. We’re pleased to note that […]

  • 01.01.02

    We’ve got new poems this month from Philip Jenks, Devin Johnston, & Peter O’Leary. New images from Kevin Bradbury, Szu Burgess, & Jay Cox, should be posted by mid-month. Our third Miniside will be a poem by Devin Johnston. We’ll have them in hand in a couple of weeks. Best wishes to all of you […]

  • 12.10.01

    It’s time for the (roughly) mid-month images update. This round finds new contributors Kevin Bradbury & Patrick Whalen offering up photos & a drawing respectively. So take a look. the Cultural Society extends its continued well-wishes to the First String, especially the Johnsons & L.J. Thanks.

  • 12.01.01

    There’s much activity here at the Cultural Society. This update features more Szu Burgess photos; poems by Alicia Cohen, Joel Felix, Philip Jenks, Devin Johnston, & Pam Rehm; prose by Peter O’Leary; & a short interview with David Grubbs. Our second Miniside is now available. It’s a poem by Philip Jenks & is once again […]

  • 11.13.01

    We’ve got some photos by Szu Burgess at the images page. This update features three views of the 9.11.01 terrorist demolition’s aftermath. We’ll be posting more of them in December. You’ll also find two more photographs made by Beth Cook. Light abounds. Miniside No 2 has been shipped to the printer’s. It will be a […]

  • 11.01.01

    Our first miniside, an otherwise unavailable poem by Peter O’Leary, is now available. Click here for a full rundown. Along similar lines, we have a review of Peter’s book, Watchfulness, from Jon Curley. You’ll find it at the texts page. We’ve also got a flurry of new images & texts from Christine Cody, Jon Curley, […]

  • 10.11.01

    The sample images from Beth Cook’s Circumstamtial Evidence (see the 10.01.01 update) are now viewable at the images page. The other news is that the Cultural Society’s Miniside No. 1 should be back from the printer’s around the 20th of this month. Order information will be made available accordingly, though if you’ve got an itch, […]

  • 10.01.01

    The Cultural Society is throwing its (small) hat into the publishing ring. A poem by Peter O’Leary will be the first in a series of small broadsides which will be letterpressed in single editions of 200 copies. Check back here in a couple of weeks for more information. Beth Cook is taking orders for hand-bound […]

  • 9.01.01

    First things first, thank you for stopping by to check out this website, especially in light of the fact that there are plenty of other sites to look at — some of which can be found on the links page. The purpose of this site is simple enough: to give space to things I take […]