Category: poems

  • Conjunction

    the so-called ‘peacock’s tail’ the ring of colors in the flask subsides in time making room for whiteness the goddess Venus

  • After Grackles (for Ric Caddel)

    Home, home. The choosing to live where form becomes clear. The wind standing still.

  • On the Beach

    I sit here tonight, no jukebox playing. These are the quiet hours in which the world persists despite itself or my sense of it. Earlier, sun on my neck, I said, “I will never be a scholar.” What I meant was I feel meant for nothing. One watches with questions as the moon moves through […]

  • Eclipse

    Long distance information, there are things we know we know. Once, the phone was torture enough, you there waiting alone. There are things we know. We know dusk precedes what we call Night— you there, waiting alone. The day erased, lessons done, dusk precedes what we call Night. I have taken no one’s name, the […]

  • How to Get Found in the Woods

    What about following streams is a mirrored question meant to juke that hive mind. It’s the survivalist’s don’t-elephant- think trick.

  • How to Understand Evolution

    Leftover like a tailbone the wind stole the notes for this section Whole ones & sharp quarters with those fancy hats Try to think more like a kite on fire We’re halfway there

  • There is Only Experience and Its Decay

    Go ahead, break me         down, test me until        you’re satisfied. I want to believe I’m constant again. I want to be split in two, understood in parts and put back together on an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar and seasonless city         that may as well be foreign country—         alphabet of photographs, language as film strip— […]

  • 25th Leap Second

    Repeat: water, thinness, time. The past is liquid and the future is gas. Only one can I see. Every four years we live a day not counted and this won’t read the same in larger font or tomorrow. Give me a sign: darkness at noon, a sixty-first second, a joke from a man who makes […]

  • Præfatio ad Lectorem

        This is a Florentine volume.     You’ve come to this country to relax and enjoy this beauty and cultural diversity – not to exhaust yourself searching for the best deals and most evocative experiences.     McDonald’s     It is difficult to characterize in brief compass a span of time as long as that in which Queen Victoria reigned […]