Category: poems

  • The Peninsula

    Caught up in a susurrant fluctuation of water, water wringing out air—the Pacific as it pares down a presumed soundlessness: a breath at the center of the room displaced by a word distinct from traffic: sustained and refracted through dunes and dolosse—to notice there is nothing to notice beyond the weight of what there is […]

  • Book

    Impossible to read, the glare at once bright and faint. Haze incandescent, compressed by heat colliding with the marine layer. July has no memory. No- thing’s retained, the land- scape shape-shifts continually and there is no ground for the mind to stand on, to sense itself here. This un- remittent elsewhere, at once too bright, […]

  • Anchoritic

    Listening to wind dislodge objects in the dark around my room, I want to think thinking is enough to locate a world, any world; but it isn’t, and it isn’t this one. It isn’t this world, weather.

  • The Block

    No change beyond air smelling faintly of old piss. A neon liquor store sign strains to break the overcast. How November moves. Stunted palm tree’s stunted shadow sutures curb to street, street to curb—to lawn glazed white with television. I walk, watch day dissolve as if on waking’s edge— those impossible lines consciousness repels.

  • Lyrics from The Language Performance

    XI. The ablative interests me. By it, from it, with it, in it, on it: separation, causation. Declined.               He became an explosive               to shed the cocoon               embraces made for him: from it.               Like a piñata that shatters itself.               Imagine its need: in it. The noun resists. That’s its nature. XII. “ . . . that […]

  • Found Poem  for Norman Finkelstein

    “deep within the spark gushed a- flow splaying colors below”

  • For RJ

    why gild the Lotus when all is auriferous? bud of gold, the soul will raise itself, “Arise, and ray,” as Atum & beam new clear light

  • Everybody Wants a Key to My Cellar

    Tearing off decorative bits of the Alhambra is discouraged. Action needs no trumpet. Read Hume for a complicated history of billiard balls. Cato has good instructions for making cake. Baking bread with a wolf crying at the moon. Leave the meat for younger men. Give us the black broth. They pick up where the people […]

  • Mysterious Solitary Electric

    Enfolded into the interconnected universe, stuck between Schubert and Jesus.The devil always has the best tins.The pop-cultural boogeyman doesn’t exist, but the negative energy poured into the idea is palpable. Some say clay tablets, others smallpox scars. By the light of one lamp we resemble angels. With wicks of asbestos the temple lamps never dim. […]