Category: poems

  • What’s Owed

    When I carry you, my shirt stretches against my throat. Each step makes a pile, makes a break elsewhere. Inside your torso a blue jay is hungry. Inside mine a cat is very still.

  • from Our Lady of Static: Audible Chariots

    Let us say there is a lady waiting to be addressed; a voice like two stations in the progress These things descend from the static in audible chariots much as wine does after the cheers when no one looks what’s left when no witness asks the question besides the sensation of being beside your own […]

  • Nineveh

    Drunk in a flat off Nevsky Prospekt. Telephone ignored — importunate knock at the door. Escort of four KGB to the street, their officer from the black ZiL’s backseat, “Jonah Amitaievitch, a cosmonaut in Leningrad? No.” Launched here from the cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. A minor prophet pitched in elliptic orbit tumbles weightless, swallowed by the […]

  • Below a Slow Ascent (31-42)

    A Cultural Society PDF. Click here to view Below a Slow Ascent (31-42).

  • Displaced

    Curry, off Oxford Circus, at 5PM —      Aeneas, alone, ate for distraction at loose ends of jetlag after      the turbulent flight from O’Hare. All night the hull had shuddered      clearing reefs of cloud below. He was abroad for another acquisition,      another trip rehearsed by rote. Tomorrow, he knew, would lose him      in work’s familiar tallied […]

  • from Our Lady of Static: Muse Static

    I know it is dark lady when my ears pop her voice pushes static aside as oil pushes water the cold economy of report even comes to me as quote muse unquote music             : The radio has no memory but we do that’s the problem with the club these days: who’s the message for? The […]

  • paramnesia

    one tenseless moment liquefies to be lost into the stream of static’s gray light a lapse develops him the tape but reveals the reels degaussed emptied of ghosts he sorts through this tissue of noise for accusative objects he could once recall as the magnetic arrows of the tape seethe out from their mound to […]

  • The Silence Argument     (for Paula)

    Stubborn the silence inflicts itself tense with each step we step around each other ears burning, burning thoughts at each sound the mind turns back to             : We quiet the living sounds to make them acute and stand on edge             : That thought is deaf in the speech vacuum or else glass exposed to breath […]

  • Hanging Bits and Rosebuds

                    Give it something to hang on                 and it will take shape                                 •                 With razor and mirror                 engaging in self-                 constructive behavior                 the hairs in the basin                 my sex in the drain                                 •                 Let the men say it                 this time with feeling.                 Now just the ladies.                                 •                 Time enough and taboo                 words shade from lewd                 to […]