Category: poems

  • To N.F.

    What does the word proclaim? what does it proclaim if you decorate it with a tassel or with a tallis? and put a graven image by, and add the sacrifice’s flesh and add the altar on which its throat is cut and add in circumstance and add up circumcision What stacks up time in the […]

  • 12.08, New England (from The New Ark Journals)

    It gets to you/   us this season brings   such — simply strange when   we amass hope so   but know how they go   these hopes or feelings   try against the frost   trials we recharge hope   but still scour the snow   for signs never there   in the snow never   there but hope’s snow can   be there or […]

  • Untitled

    Words sever silence, horde violence severe enough never to re- nounce

  • A Phosphor   (for Peter O’Leary)

    I am the infinitesmal world’s dissimilar twin. Sidereal at the winter wren Describe the beaks with light on them. Green, black, indigo violet oscillation.

  • Christian Sex

    Hold better the day to a pig’s spleen than the heart in a jar Best to know what a warbler does while a man yodels If you touch your heart it will be too late to go blind but in the fissures of the curtains even the blind feel daylight Pressure when the mind makes […]

  • Waking

    There is nothing to turn from or to. I hardly see at all. All I remember I remember in pieces, as when shadows lapse into shadows when bars of light flood a wall.

  • Conceded   (for John Taggart)

    How to love quietly what wasn’t seen before — leaves or trees, their shadows, what did I know, what did I know — to be woken by a memory of something one thought gone, which is what is wanted, which is a song.

  • “In the dream he saw them walking across the bridge …”

    In the dream he saw them walking across the bridge, carrying all their worldly belongings. Dogs and children surrounded them. In the dream he understood that it was meant to bring laughter, lighten the burden, call forth echoes of momentous times, gently mocked. But the uncertainty of the hour, the uncertainty of the light, left […]

  • Dawn, New & Improved

    Turn the sun rising into a new genre, dubbed for want of better words solar apotheosis. Slug down the coin slot, night down for blurred metal racket, cat calling for her husbands. Reach across her back for the door lock, gear box frozen and matted. As authoritative as he may appear, suddenly the sky cracks […]