Category: poems

  • Ready for Sunset

    Mars is not at perihelion. Mars is not near you. Mars is arrayed on a skyline as though waiting for dark. Mars is up there, neither accepting nor barring. For all we know, Mars has its visor shut. Mars — so many for Mars, all we could ask for. Mars, Mars, somewhere floating over mountaintops. […]

  • Slant   (for Joe Massey)

    wind wrung leaves un- weighted, unravel … day light clears heather frayed fast along track through spoil … in honeysuckle light cat piss woven slantly … black bird thrown back a- gainst cold guttering sky … snatch of sun be- neath buzzard hung light … wind cracking black branches back, rough gusts, troughs, slack- ing […]

  • from The Pied Machine

    1 The eye’s never-ending question of what is form colors the coming sense so autumn comes a tale of ice a lake hanging in the sky The infant continues to begin. We speak the syllable of two bodies in their talk within the habits of night air. 2 The phrase forms four seasons. Not as […]

  • Surround

    Corvus has a hard time drinking ice. The ravenous grackle and the earless starling. Limon tree was sung. Becomes elastic with oaks around.

  • twenty-one homophonic couplets

    anachronism enacts a chrism * convince me connivance be * abysmal attitudes as be mal altitudes * nourish the flower flourish in the now or — * belated salvation steers souls on serrated shelves of stars born * terra infirma terror firm * pleading with signs sine waves bleating * eyes encased in ice in […]

  • bees rapture      for PO — 2.3.08

    bees vanish & their ghostly empty hives collapse queens abandoned in combs quiet journeyworkers have gone that host raveled out into spangling winter light did they follow jitter-danced maps down hymn paths or fall faithless notes winding on the winds?

  • And These Are My Feelings

    And the people, these American people have spoken. We love your heart, they say. You can have it, I say to the people. Open your mouths sit here a while, and wait for it, I say. It is falling from the sky it is a piece of the sky and today you are all Jason […]

  • Of Love and Water

    1. The sun’s intensity In open eyes – the conflagration Is explicit. The bedrock is conflict And what peace there is Is brief. We see one another, Speak and collaborate, Yet the blood is hot And the belly hungers, The mouth dries in need Of water and love Is a separate intensity. Schopenhauer’s Proposal complicates […]

  • No Reality But the Ruined Idea of a God We Speak To

    Gnat caught in the breath of a dismantled catechism on a cracked pew in a cathedral by the sea, restore with your nothing wings the way to where I left my shoes. No imagination but in your tiny, ruptured eyes which may as well see no thing, before a brain which cannot count, behind the […]