Category: poems

  • Without Duration (after Naftali)

    : wind trumpets : my hair splays : the tulip of my body : swarms morning : milky noon absolutes : gather a mass friction : rattles away expectation : for you slips : unposed breast : drips our gusted arms : to defend nakedness : unpeel skin : breath : peering your eye : […]

  • And Thereby Shall The Sun Be Made To Shine

    Even Osiris needed a ladder to get up to the floor of heaven. The floor of heaven is an immense iron plate. The floor will not permit you to tread upon it until you say its name, and the mystical names of the legs with which you tread. No afterlife until the gods utter your […]

  • I’m Almost There for You

    Cloudy he didn’t deign to fetch blazoned tunics from the trunk beside the bed. (It’s always at this zilching hour that the rubric sun elects to drop its shadow hearth.) The sirens aced mistaking when they trained me in the dark and your siphoned ability bespoke you, wilting seizures in late woods of bizarre significance, […]

  • Nicholast Strawbridge & Will Verona Sneakers

    Tempestuous and cold, the man was inconsistent for an animal. The door opened and daycare fell out but I’d prefer if someone took this plastic cup away, having bahn mi on the twelfth of Nevuary, maybe in the shed. The verdurian route formed a lasso around the first half of my life.                 Lets us call forest […]

  • Prince Rupert and the Queen Charlotte Sound

    Sold, a rush of poor thinking, long days involving backed crossings and again, supernatural functions of love and straight lines, day made the last time cold                                                     So I said upon the dark and the rain which turned a closed room for lack of towers or the mopping of floors into a blue field where god […]

  • Love Ad Infinum

    I will tell you a story for vanity and illustrative consequence about two thousand years ago when we watched movies in the dark. I said in morning there is no light if we argue it will be about money or how to distinguish liturgy from lawn chairs in the shade. To think it’s hot in […]

  • Five-Day Present for Aunt Ollie

    Having traveled together I was late, a satchel full of purpose, stolen attempts disrupting rooms and waking thought with miscellaneous trips outside; in real life I had no passport and you had no phone. We relied on the little one to bring us home, the beard drove his car through an elevator and up, and […]

  • Tgus Gas Veeb

    Truth be told the animals spent morning all the ways one could with an earth, if not of blurred affection then happy circumstance; there’s known reverse fog on the hills when my friend comes back to town, I put another wasabi snack up to the monument, it’s expensive and I have no money, the city […]

  • Socratic

    I have never been anyone’s teacher         not once         not caught in loose         arms not in anyone’s embrace         not night-long         beneath his cloak’s loose folds         did I once turn around Weaken a little more the wine with water                     a drop will do                     a moment’s scarlet curl                     as of a lock, a lock unfurled                     into night nothing […]