Category: poems

  • from Arranging Nature

    1 Darkrise deep song, sunder uncut phrase and page, bedecked golden life and godlike beings flutter; windlash broken beneath each eyesnarled heart, each ensnared shape trembles beside fear lurking larkstar. 2 Birdword lament, broken scriptsite song, feel veer reverse in soft sleep tumble limbseed release lingers after idle care. Leaves flee from trees, breathless bears […]

  • from Some Mariners

    mummified arm Indonesian sailor skin boxed in glass and lead call it James arm is fine art:        GOLDEN DRAGONS H O L D        F A S T    fingers to        FULL RIGGED H.M.S. ROOSTER AND PIG can’t swim                     • • • sleep imperiled on the sea forge immutable friendships which will become ink on the knees held to our chins […]

  • “Kontakion”: A Note to the Reader

    An Icon of the Mouth so far consists of two parts: Garment & Raiment; & The Fire Balsam. A third & concluding part, tentatively entitled Aural Figures, is currently underway. Based speculatively on the life of iconographer & saint Andrei Rublev, The Fire Balsam consists of an introductory sermon on what little is known about […]

  • Kontakion

    Axiomatic, Andrei Rublev invented light: the wound & the eye are one. Like eyes after sleep, the wound gently opens. Like eyesight resisting focus, the wound glazes over. Like the fluid in the eyesac, the wound is rich with salt. As the sea invokes a massive innerness; as the deserts were once the depths of […]

  • The Hedge

    Before and after storms she sought the head or privet hedge — a thorny glass in which fear might find a semi-private roost, plumage ruffled after rain; or beak expectantly tipped toward the sky — a spoon in tea. Needs descend through film from cloud to fence, fence to branch, and then — entanglements, she […]

  • from Some Mariners

    ship followers song reports within watch coats inner pockets of stale cake will joint voyage for bodily eruption from plaits downy mast head meeting            • • • meteor de-orbits and burns re-enters what was Friday 20 tons of debris O people on Fiiijiii!           • • • divide hour into smaller units water clock futurist […]

  • from Some Mariners

    alias James arm an alloy ambidextrous wonder yd never touch                     • • • ink a hinge here ‘n here ‘n mother make me limber                      • • • grappling iron your legs moor me in full tide whet against protean shoulders breath is fuel open your mouth seep into luminous prowl of sea night is […]

  • To Whom It May Concern

        Yew and eye       and eye and yew     soak up the dark       while you are gone.     This shade unfurled       from root to bough     was planted here       when I was born.     Within its reach       I shut my eye     to eye of day       and day’s return     as birds depress       Selectric keys     addressed To Whom       It May Concern.     It […]

  • “Shipwrecked, I guess or…”

    Shipwrecked, I guess or about to come in. This, I understood — a landing its consequence map muted… Epipelagic movement enfolds one thousand giant clams thriving on the ocean floor. “the field.”            its reciprocity.