
This update features poems from Robert Archambeau, Wes Benson, Joseph Bradshaw, Jon Curley, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Heller, Matthew Henriksen, Gregory Ott, Adam Fleming Petty, John Phillips, Pam Rehm, Mark Scroggins, Chuck Stebelton, Jason Stumpf, & Shannon Tharp; prose comes courtesy of Peter O’Leary & Mathias Svalina; images are from Cary Conover (including two video pieces), Derrick Buisch, & Drew Kunz. the third of whom also provided the picks.

The period between this update & the previous one was due in no small part to our return to Brooklyn. Though I apologize for the gap, I’m otherwise pleased to report that we’re basically settled in & very excited to be back in our favorite borough.

If you think of it, join our group on/at Facebook. It’s always nice to see who’s stopping by.

Shouting still: Team Mpls/St. Paul; Princes; Franklin; Stillwater; PBNY; ems; (version); Team NoNames (way to go!); B.T.; E./D./T.; Magpies; EL/JP!; z./S.; Syl; NJNY; A./A./C.; CBQC; MBJNY (Happy Birthday!); Berwyn; JBOR; KKNC; local talent; & you.

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