
It’s a pleasure to be back on an update schedule. Civilian life has kept me from giving this site the attention it deserves but it looks as though things have simmered down to a dullish, distant roar.

Therefore, poems come from Robert Archambeau, Joel Bettridge, Norman Finkelstein, Roberto Harrison, Michael Heller, Steven Manuel, David James Miller, Amanda Nadelberg, Peter O’Leary, Adam Fleming Petty, Douglas Piccinnini, & Shannon Tharp. We’ve got two PDF downloads as well: one from Erika Howsare & Kate Shapira and another from new contributor Claire Donato. Michael Autrey brought us a review of Michael Hofmann’s work. As for images, we’ve got some photographs from David A. Fitschen. Picks are mine.

Shoutably: Team SBS; (version); NJNY; PBNY; LaChima; Indy Elephants; Stillwaters; Franklins; Magpies; Bandmates; Princes: ems; El/JP!; z./S./J.; Syl; Cody; local & interstate talents; & you.

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