
In addition to some work from our regular contributors, we’ve got some new blood this round: poems from Patrick Pritchett, Jonathan Witte; & photographs from Paul Biedrzycki, Cary Conover, & Stephen Maine.

If I can pull it together, there’ll be a mid-month posting of an interview with avant-garde filmmaker Ken Jacobs, too. Knock wood….

In other news, your humble editor & his blushing bride will be relocating this September. A reliance on the kindness of family-to-be might be leaving us w/o convenient internet access, in which case I will be reachable via email but perhaps unable to update this website. The worst case scenario will have new material for you in November. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line.

Thanks, Praises, & Shouts to Team NYC (winding down), Jason & Sheila, the Wise Elephants, Team Scheibe, Teams Barocas, Teams Yurkiewicz, Team Internationale, & the Midwestern Alliance (IL, MI, MN, et al.).

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