
The Cultural Society is throwing its (small) hat into the publishing ring. A poem by Peter O’Leary will be the first in a series of small broadsides which will be letterpressed in single editions of 200 copies. Check back here in a couple of weeks for more information.

Beth Cook is taking orders for hand-bound copies of Circumstantial Evidence, a 175 page b&w photocopied volume that originally accompanied an installation of the same name. For more information, you can contact Beth directly. Excerpts from the book will be posted at the images page very soon.

Peter O’Leary’s collection of poems entitled Watchfulness is now available from Spuyten Duyvil.

The Cultural Society is an attempt, however small, at community. The artists here are mostly my friends, some of whom I had lost touch with or track of, & some of whom are new. In any case, my work with this website & other related activities has afforded me a chance to establish contact with a group of people at a time when the vagaries & delights of jobs, relocations, marriages, deaths, newborns, etc. have made such contact difficult or impossible. As I said last month, feel free to drop a line via the contact link.

I extend my gratitude to everyone who’s come by to see what’s happening here at the Cultural Society. In light of recent events, it seems to me an especially good time to get acquainted with new works — regardless of medium or format — whose aims are productive, communicative, & illuminating.

Well-wishes go out to The Kid, R.J.A., Jr. (thanks), Team 39-64, & the Interstate Home Team.

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