
This year marked our arrival at The Cultural Society’s sixth postal addres in its third United State in just over four years. All I can say is that it pleases me to have finally joined the mighty ranks of the Great Midwest. Though, you know, I kind of miss Brooklyn. One must keep one’s eye on the present & to the future, however, & it is with this in mind that I’m extra-pleased to report that we’ve got a rather full poetry-plate for you this last update of 2005, including some terrific new (to this Society) faces: Elena Alexander, Graham Foust, Philip Jenks, Pura López-Colomé, Joseph Massey, Mark Scroggins, Jason Stumpf, & Jen Tynes. It’s quite a line-up. We’ve also (thanks to code hijacked from the always-helpful PBNY) added some videos to our repetoire. If you’re interested in submitting video or film work, please contact us before sending it. You can do so by clicking here.

In other news, Mark Scroggins gave honorable & favorable mention to AMONG OTHER THINGS at his blog (http://kulturindustrie.blogspot.com) back on 12.20.05. We’ll keep you abreast of any further favorable reviews as they appear. Thanks, in all events, to those of you who’ve lent their support, encouragement, & praise.

If the above remarks are mysterious to you, let me be of some assistance: Zach Barocas’ first book of poems is now available from this very Society. It’s called AMONG OTHER THINGS & you can order it right now by clicking here or by calling 888 625 9258. If you need more info, you can find it at our publications page.

So much shouting: NJNY, Team Lunalux, Mpls, Joe, Jen, Team Stillwater, Team I.J., Anne & Alex (Mazel Tov!), Team TLA, Mojo the Cinematic & K., Mike & Jane, Teams Magpie & Marshagnello (expansion!), Team (version), KBNY, Jason/Sheila/Ella, Teams Cinci, Team Mesa, Team Tramp, The Chef, & you.

Thanks again.

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