
First things first, thank you for stopping by to check out this website, especially in light of the fact that there are plenty of other sites to look at — some of which can be found on the links page. The purpose of this site is simple enough: to give space to things I take to be important & in some fashion underappreciated. The range of material will vary from update to update but the basic concept will not. Updates will occur as needed, probably on a monthly basis.

I will post texts & images I like; that is, the contents of this website are subject, more or less, to my taste alone. Any & all comments or criticisms are welcome, & should be directed via the contact link. Although I am posting mostly solicited material, submissions should also be directed via the contact link.

Thanks to Angie, Beth, Helen, Jason, Kim, Paul, Peter, Philip, Team Corra, & Team 39-64 for their initial contributions & support.

Congratulations to Bill, Kevin, Kim, Laura, Peter, & Rebecca on their initial forays into parenthood.

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