Graham Foust, contributor

Suggested Reading

The View from the Gazebo, poems by Marianne Boruch
Name, poems by Alan Davies
The Cloud of Knowable Things, poems by Elaine Equi
Another Future: Poetry and Art in a Postmodern Twilight, essays by Alan Gilbert
Last Chance for Eden, essays/reviews by Christopher Knight
Adventures, poems by Lauren Levin
Each Real Bird, poems by Shannon Tharp
The Providings, poems by Carl Thayler
Selected Poems, by Jay Wright

Suggested Listening

The Greatest, Cat Power
Sonomondo, Mark Dresser and Frances-Marie Uitti
Love & Theft, Bob Dylan
Back to the Barrooms, Merle Haggard
Customs, Joel R.L. Phelps
His Hands, Candi Staton
Goodbye Babylon, Various Artists

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