Jeff Clark, contributor

Suggested Regional Flora, et al.

Amelanchier laevis / Allegheny Serviceberry
Angelica atropurpurea / Angelica
Sambuca Nigra “Black Lace” / Black Lace Elderberry
When the Roses Bloom Again, Laura Cantrell (Diesel Only Records)
Complications, Garrett Caples (Meritage)
Acer palmatum “Sango-kaku” / Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Wildflowers of the Western Great Lakes Region (Cranbrook Academy of Science)
Infamous Angel and My Life, Iris DeMent (Warner Bros.)
Pinus Strobus “Nana” / Dwarf Eastern White Pine
World Ball Notebook, Sesshu Foster (City Lights)
Lullaby, Christine Hume (Ugly Duckling Presse)
Juna Hume Clark (3 years old)
Sources, Devin Johnston (Turtle Point Press)
Rabbit Habits, Man Man (Anti Records)
Six Demon Bag, Man Man (Ace Fu Records)
Hughson’s Tavern, Fred Moten (Leon Works)
The Native Plant Nursery (
Hysteria from Freud to Lacan, Juan-David Nasio (Other Press)
The Cow, Ariana Reines (Fence Books)
Ajax, Sophocles [John Tipton, trans.] (Flood Editions)
Antennaria parlinii / Smooth Pussytoes
“The Prisoner,” Orin Swift Cellars, 2006
Chelone glabra / Turtlehead
The Presentable Art of Reading Absence and Polynomials and Pollen, Jay Wright (Dalkey Archive)
On the Beach, Neil Young (Reprise)

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