Story Book, a novella by Douglas Piccinnini

Story Book, a novella by Douglas Piccinnini

Story Book by Douglas Piccinnini
Smyth-sewn paperback · 122pp · $15 · ISBN 9780988719248

In this book a series of delicately rendered stories begin—and, then, continually begin. If one imagines the strange happiness of first glancing at a watercolor image depicting the transformation of a person into an animal or monster, plant or object, that initial pleasurable confusion at what it is we see Story Book returns us again and again to this region of (uneasy) excitement and exciting unease. —Lucy Ives

Story Book invites you into the opening pages of more than a dozen tales as violent and haunting as anything in Grimms’. Again and again, and with a queasy intimacy, Piccinnini puts his readers directly in touch with the way of all flesh, the tendency of bodies to sour, rot, rip, stiffen, and decay. In doing so, he creates a lyricism of unrest and violence unlike anything in American fiction. —Chris Hosea

+ Reviewed at the L.A. Review of Books

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