from Our Lady of Static: Audible Chariots

Let us say there is a lady
waiting to be addressed; a voice like two
stations in the progress

These things descend
from the static
in audible chariots

much as wine does
after the cheers
when no one looks

what’s left when
no witness
asks the question

besides the sensation
of being beside
your own shoulder

listening to the static turn
into falling confetti


There was a fissure
in the static
canopy above us
                                                                The voice that comes between things
Others had cigarette
faces, but you
spoke to me in radios

when affection is
a ratio
of the capacity to break


As something distant approaching
sensed on borders

Ears turned sideways,
the universe is strung
in the key of Eros


The infinite distance between us
measured in words collapses

an event horizon such as
spoken words are


A disruption in the static
like a woman

emerging from sea foam
each time you speak

I am undone
as though from a distance


Let us say she has overheard
the Dark Lady at the corner

of the poem, the things said,
her capacity for the negative

: not you but the you :
all these words just to reach

just to reach you, all these words
to become you, to become yours

in your mouth, where I belong
like sea foam, where I belong:

neither you nor I
but the you and I

emerge in this hearing
level with the sea

crackling across a wide surface and still
immersed in this hearing

not one not the one
but the one no one

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