from Our Lady of Static: Muse Static

I know it is dark lady
when my ears pop

her voice pushes
static aside as
oil pushes water

the cold economy
of report
even comes to me

as quote muse
unquote music


The radio has no memory
but we do

that’s the problem
with the club these days:

who’s the message for?
The eyes have it

but the eyes are everywhere:
you, not you, you not you


music of you
so simple
it devastates

lyrics — the line
between you and me


A man becomes musical static
clears interference discerns
the evidence of you

: three different expressions same change:

What is not musical becomes
musical a man clears
interference you discern
the evidence of static

: three changing expressions same difference:

A not musical man becomes
musical static interference
clear evidence of you


A woman becomes
muse static you make
me such things

to say as I will
go out with
looking for you tonight

under napkins in jazz
bars and boom
clubs asking the moonless

invariable sidewalks
to be luminous
auras of the lady

who makes feet
sure thru darkness till
auras become moss


I am standing in my lawn again
let us not fear to say such
such things as we know not

to be true a hunter in the arch
of trees above the path his bow
a bunch of dots connected by

a thin high branch across the sky
I returned to open lawn again
by way of bioluminescence only

a lady is waiting at the edge I
stand in the offering again you
made me to walk to swamp

to speak the words you want to
speak to make me want to

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