Inside the Ghost Factory

Inside the ghost factory there are many
small machines. They are very important
but they do not make ghosts. The ghosts

are in cabinets, though sometimes you may
meet them in open fields. No need to greet
them — they are shy and speak only with

the greatest reluctance. It has been said
that the living press down upon them, though
they press down upon us too, until we are

indistinguishable. At some point —
eating alone in a café, in a meeting at
work, shopping — you will realize this

and become part of the story. The discontinuities
actually count for very little. The off-duty
inspectors go home and watch TV. What else

did you expect? If anything had floated by,
they would surely have called in a report.
But now it appears that tensions have eased.

They are hiring allegorists again.


They are hiring allegorists again.

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