Truce    (translated by Jason Stumpf)

I won’t be the one to make you suffer.
You will not spill tears
that can extinguish you.
You will guard the burning waves
between the temples
restless, immovable,
hollowed of emotion,
remembering this world
is a vile, stagnant sea.
Darkness will be nothing
compared to love
beating its wings
in the ether.

• • •


No seré yo quien te haga sufrir.
No derramarás lágrimas
que puedan extinguirte.
Guardarás el mar candente
entre las sienes.
Descansarás, inmóvil,
supurando sentimiento,
recordando que este mundo
es un vil mar de sargazos.
La opacidad no será tal
frente al amor
batiendo alas
en el éter.

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